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Domestic Violence Resources

Role of Advocates in Prosecution Support

Victim advocates play a critical role in enhancing outcomes for victims, defendants, and the community at large. To provide guidance on these roles, the Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Domestic Violence Prosecution Committee developed The Victim Advocate Roles & Responsibilities Checklist, a tool to guide offices in optimizing interactions between prosecutors and advocates and fostering inter-office discussions about advocates’ specific role in the prosecution process. It is a quick-reference sheet for how —and which— advocates can assist with specific areas of support to both victims and attorneys throughout the prosecution process. It is a visual aide to educate prosecutors, support staff, administration, and advocates alike on how they can effectively partner.

We have supplied:

  • a blank template for each office to create their own tailored checklist
  • an example checklist which serves as a guide


APA’s DV Prosecution Committee developed a comprehensive DV Diversion Planning Toolkit that seeks to provide guidepost questions and considerations for program developers and highlight innovative alternatives to incarceration for DV-related offenses. APA acknowledges the complexity of DV prosecution and the desire of state, local, and federal prosecutors to build sustainable, data-informed diversion programs in response to these crimes. With the implementation of this toolkit, DV diversion programs can bolster victim safety, prevent recidivism, address the root causes of violence to disrupt the cycle of violence, and create safer communities. Click below to access toolkit resources and case studies.


Prosecutors & Victim Advocates: Building Strong Relationships - Part 2
Skip navigation Search Create Avatar image Prosecutors and Victim Advocates: Building Strong Relationships: Part One
Trends in Domestic Violence Response
Remote Orders of Protection in Criminal and Civil Cases Involving IPV and Animal Abuse
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