The Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (APA) and Measures for Justice (MFJ) received a three-year, joint grant from the Tableau Foundation to help prosecutor offices move in the direction of data transparency and racial justice. The grant offered prosecutors tiered support in the form of full Commons dashboards or data infrastructure help.
Tier 1 Sites
Tier 1 prosecutors’ offices are receiving complete support to publish public-facing Commons data platforms. The three Tier 1 sites:
- East Baton Rouge Parish, LA
- Bernallilo County, NM
- Jackson County, MO

Yolo County Commons
Screenshots from the Yolo County, CA District Attorney's Office Commons Dashboard.
Tier 2 Sites
Tier 2 prosecutors’ offices (seven in total) received support to enhance their readiness for data transparency at no cost to them. This included conducting a data infrastructure assessment, a data sample audit, recommendations for the office to implement, and a final assessment of progress.
The seven Tier 2 sites:
Norfolk County, VA
Contra Costa County, CA
Fairfax County, VA
Dallas County, TX
Miami-Dade County, FL
Ramsey County, MN
Davidson County (Nashville), TN
National Prosecutor Dashboard Advisory Group
Along with the work done to provide prosecutors’ offices with varying levels of data visualization and technical support, APA and MFJ have worked closely with the National Prosecutor Dashboard Advisory Group, or NPDAG, made up of prosecutors, researchers, national organizations, and foundations inhabiting the public prosecutorial data platform space.
In addition to meeting virtually at regular intervals, this collaboration produced “National Prosecutorial Dashboards: Lessons Learned, Themes and Categories for Consideration,” a comprehensive guide to assist prosecutors with implementing public-facing data visualizations. This document contains lessons learned, themes and categories for consideration, and links to external resources, including existing public-facing dashboards.