To see more, and to have access to our full webinar library with dozens of training videos and materials, please sign up as a member today!
Oregon’s Animal Cruelty Laws Strengthening Charging Decisions and Prosecutions through Legislation
Jake Kamins, Oregon Department of Justice Senior Assistant Attorney General and Animal Cruelty Resource Prosecutor (03/06/2025)
Animal Hoarding: The Challenges
Marc Kissel, Chief of Department Law Enforcement Division, Hudson Valley Humane Society, AnnMarie Gaudio President and HLE Commissioner Hudson Valley Humane Society (02/20/2025)
Animal Cruelty Prosecution: Attempt and Conspiracies
Lauryn Day, Florida's Ninth Judicial Circuit State Attorney's Office (7/11/2024)
Basic Trial Tactics for Animal Cruelty Cases
Sherwin Safir, Nassau County District Attorney's Office (8/8/2023)
Restitution Recovery for Capital and Complex Homicide Cases
Randall Udelman, Esq., Colleen Hendricks, AZ Crime Rights Law Group (02/19/2025)
Complex Homicide Essentials: Closing and Rebuttal
Jeremy J. Baldwin, Chief Trial Attorney, Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office (02/6/2025)
Complex Homicide Essentials: Search Warrants
Chief Jesse Evans, Acworth Police Department (10/1/2024)
Digital Evidence: Understanding the Nuances of Search and Seizure, Discovery, & Authentication in a Technology Based World
Jason Kalish, Maricopa County Attorney's Office (8/30/2024)
Using Ethics and Communication During Social Reform: Capital and Complex Homicide
Colleen Hendricks, David J. Newstone, Esq, AZ Crime Victim Rights Law Group (8/23/2024)
Murder 101: Bias & Decision Making in Complex Homicide Cases
Jarvis Parsons, Brazos County District Attorney (8/13/2024)
Murder 101 Series: Search Warrants in Complex Homicide Cases
Matthew Breedon, Senior Assistant District Attorney, Ogeechee Judicial Circuit (7/10/2024)
Murder 101: Using Technology to Prove Your Case
Cassandra Montalto (5/30/2024)
Restitution and Recovery of Economic Loss in Complex Homicide Cases
Randall Udelman, Esq., Dan Levey, AZ Crime Rights Law Group (5/23/2024)
Keys to Survivor Victim Relationship Building
Randall Udelman, Esq., Colleen Hendricks, AZ Crime Rights Law Group (3/18/2024)
Capital Litigation and Relationship Building During Survivor Grief
Colleen Hendricks, Randall Udelman, Esq., AZ Crime Victim Rights Law Group (9/19/2023)
Mass Violence and Prosecutors: Victim Considerations
Dan Levey, Executive Director, Colleen Hendricks, AZ Crime Victim Rights Law Group (9/13/2023)
Ensuring Ethical Preservation & Protection of Victims' Rights in Capital Punishment Cases
Dan Levey, Executive Director, Randall Udelman, Esq., AZ Crime Victim Rights Law Group (8/3/2023)
Addressing Case Backlogs: Gallatin County Office of the County Attorney
Audrey Cromwell, County Attorney (10/21/2024)
Case Backlog: Suffolk County District Attorney's Office - eDiscovery
District Attorney Kevin R. Hayden (6/24/2024)
Case Backlog: Elmore County Prosecuting Attorney's Office
Elmore County Prosecuting Attorney Shondi K. Lott (5/14/2024)
Case Backlog: Ramsey County Attorney's Office
Jennifer Verdea, Ramsey County Attorney's Office (4/3/2024)
Case Backlog: Augusta Judicial Circuit-Screening
Honorable Jared T. Williams, Chief Assistant Kevin Davis, Augusta Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office (3/21/2024)
Unveiling Carver County: Exploring Intersectionality through Interactive Mapping
Hannah Fordice, Justin Hollis, Nancy Yates (8/16/2024)
How Prosecutors Can Engage Their Communities for Hate Crimes Prevention and Response
Lori E. Frugoli, District Attorney, Marin County, CA, Jacqueline C. Romero, United States Attorney Eastern District of Pennsylvania (6/20/2024)
Investigating Threats and Acts of Political Violence
Solicitor General for the State of Michigan, Fadwa Hammoud (12/6/2023)
Elevating Trust and Legitimacy for Prosecutors: Procedural Justice
Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office, the Columbus City Attorney's Office, and the Saint Paul City Attorney's Office (10/19/2023)
How Emergency Exceptions to Abortion Bans Pose Ethical Problems for US Doctors in a Post-Roe World
Dr. Caitlin Gustafson, a Family Medicine practitioner in Idaho, Professor Michelle Oberman, a medical ethicist, and Nicolas Kabat, Staff Attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights (10/17/2024)
The Impact of Dobbs: Today's Practice of OB-GYN Medicine and the Criminal Code
Molly Meegan, JD, Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) (8/16/2023)
Prosecutors & Victim Advocates: Building Strong Relationships - Part 2
Kings County/Multnomah County District Attorney's Offices--Jeffrey Oxier, Emily Hydes, Michelle Kaminski, Shavinsky Paine (4/11/2024)
Prosecutors and Victim Advocates: Building Strong Relationships: Part One
Natasha Willson, Victim Advocate Supervisor, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, David Martin, Senior Deputy Prosecutor, King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, Maddi Potter, Legal Advocacy Manager at the Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, Nichole Onda, Deputy District Attorney of the Domestic Violence Unit in Allegheny County, PA (Pittsburgh), Beverly Gilchrist, Deputy Chief for Survivor Services for the Special Victim Division & the Director, Witness Aid Services Unit (WASU), New York County District Attorney’s Office, Kate Flatley, Deputy Bureau Chief of the Intimate Partner & Sexual Violence Bureau, New York County District Attorney’s Office (3/18/2024)
Financial Implications for Victims and Witnesses
Mischa L. Hepner, Assistant Bureau Chief, Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Dan Levey, Executive Director, AZ Crime Victim Rights Law Group (12/23/2023)