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Case Backlogs

The Case Backlogs program was a Stand Together Trust (STT)-funded effort that provides prosecutors with insights into the state of case backlogs around the country while also elevating model practices and protocols for addressing them. Prosecutor offices were solicited to apply for specialized training and technical assistance (TTA) via a request for proposals, and those who require light touch training and technical assistance may contact APA at any time to request peer-to-peer exchanges or access to case backlog-related materials and information.

The core goals of this project included:

  • Assessed the field to determine the extent of case backlog amongst prosecutors’ offices across the country;
  • Elevated model policies and practices that offices used to address their case backlog;
  • Effectively created a community of practice of prosecutors and subject matter experts to share resources and be a sounding board for ideas and efforts in this space, in the form of a prosecutor-oriented listserv;
  • Maintained an online resource page for prosecutors to use when addressing case backlogs in their jurisdictions; and
  • Provided both remote and onsite TTA to requesting prosecutors’ offices to assess needs and provide recommendations and resources to reduce case backlog.

The five selected pilot sites were:

  1. Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office (MA)
  2. Ramsey County Attorney’s Office (MN)
  3. August Judicial Circuit (GA)
  4. Gallatin County Attorney’s Office (MT)
  5. Elmore County Attorney’s Office (ID)

The Case Backlogs project is a Stand Together Trust (STT)-funded effort to provide prosecutors with insights into the current state of case backlog around the country while also elevating model practices and protocols for addressing them. Prosecutor offices will be solicited to apply for specialized training and technical assistance (TTA) via an request for proposals, and those who require light touch TA may contact APA at any time to request peer-to-peer exchanges or access to case backlog-related materials and information.

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